International Girls in ICT Day

28th April celebrates the International Girls in ICT Day

The jobs of the future will be driven by technology and innovation and, the ICT sector needs more girls and women.
65 per cent (WE Forum %) of children entering primary school today will have jobs that do not yet exist.

Reproduced using content from Girls in ICT toolkit. 

Online Training on Coding
It is essential that girls are introduced to coding and programming in today’s digital world. Coding can be a creative tool to have fun while learning new information and exploring new ideas. It can help girls develop skills in problem- solving, logic, imagination, communication, collaboration, brainstorming, multitasking and design!

There are several companies and organizations that offer coding trainings online, and some of these are free of charge. An example of coding trainings that can be found online are:, Codeacademy, Khan Academy, Mozilla Webmaker, edX and Made with Code.

Web-based Robotics Training

You can find out more about robotics online courses on Coursera for Top-Notch Robotics Programs Online, Udemy for Niche Robotics Courses, FutureLearn, MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) and more.

Mobile Application Building

Make use of online tools such as: AppShed, App Inventor and App Inventor 2, Ratchet, LiveCode, and many more. These online applications can enable everyone, including children, to build fully functional apps for smartphones and tablets. Some are even free of charge, so give them a try!

STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) learning 

Activities such a short-video creation and digital artworks can be supported through various online tools such as: GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Avidemux, Corel Draw, Glogster and more.

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