Cyprus zooms in ever closer to becoming the European focal point of the fund management industry.

Outsourcing Fund Management to RegTech professionals is becoming ever more popular as regulatory structures over investment vehicles tighten. Services to navigate fiscal controls are growing rapidly worldwide, especially in light of the Common Reporting Standards and US Foreign Tax Compliance Act.

Constantinos Meivatzis is the Managing Director of IQ-EQ, a Cypriot company providing regulatory and administrative assistance to fund managers and multinationals. In the linked article below, featured on the Investment Funds Cyprus website, Mr. Meivatzis explains how the Cypriot jurisdiction is a natural environment for RegTech specialists, and that Cyprus is edging ahead of Luxembourg and London as a venue for such companies to relocate or open satellite offices.

It goes without saying that such a growth in the asset management sector in Cyprus will do nothing other than bring prosperity to the island and provide lucrative opportunities for FinTech professionals. Emerald Zebra are, of course, well placed to service this market both from overseas and at home, so anyone looking for such job opportunities in Cyprus should register with us as soon as possible.

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