3 useful tips to ace your next interview

A new job in Cyprus can open the doors to great career opportunities as employers in Cyprus strive to attract job seekers to their technology, finance and fintech companies, creating plenty of opportunities. However, the pressure to present your skills, experience, and ability to make a good first impression can make any job search intimidating, yet this […]

Emerald Zebra: 8 Ways to find a job in Cyprus

At Emerald Zebra, we are always here to help you find your next career move in the tech, fintech and finance sectors in Cyprus. Here are some tips and useful strategies to keep your job search moving forward. 1.  Network buildingAlso known as the “hidden job market”, many of the finest jobs are never published! They are filled by […]

Is there such a thing as a ‘perfect candidate’?

Is there such a thing as a ‘perfect candidate’? As a recruitment consultant, one of the most important tasks is to find the right career opportunities for people and the right people for our client’s teams . In my day-to-day role, I screen candidates well to make sure that they have the experience, qualifications and acumen […]

Emerald Zebra: Fintech Job Recruitment in 2022: What you need to know

It is safe to say that the FinTech sector is thriving, and most financial services companies are looking for FinTech recruiters to fill many positions across the board including finance, tech-related positions, and the demand for various services such as cryptocurrency investing and digital banking means that FinTech companies must and will continue to grow their teams, […]