✔ Is your approach to levels/grades robust, non-discriminatory and underpinned by an analytical job evaluation and classification methodology?
✔ Do you have clear guidance to support reward and promotion decisions that you’d be comfortable sharing with employees?
✔ What is your current gender pay gap and how can you improve to meet the EU Pay Transparency Directive?
✔ If you use performance management as a rationale for pay differentiation, how robust and consistent is your current approach?
✔ Do you have enough market data to defend potential differences based on market premiums?
✔ Could more transparency on pay for advertised roles raise concerns for existing employees?
Act now on Pay Transparency and drive results for your organization.
✔️Salary Benchmarking – Download the 2024/25 survey, Cyprus here
#PayTransparency #JobsInCyprus #EmeraldZebra