Wrapping up this busy week with gratitude.

By Terri Neofitou

On Thursday, 28th March 2024 we held our 1st Emerald Zebra HR Power Breakfast. An event that we created based on identifying the need and wants of the HR community as well as business leaders and owners.

We had the perfect start to the day with the Commissioner Ms Josie Christodoulou who shared an informative, insightful, and encouraging keynote speech on the topic of gender equality for both woman and men in the workplace and society, Thank You!

I wanted to thank our panelists for their valuable time both prior to the event and their insightful input during our panel discussions and of course to all our attendees that took the time to join us and really interact at all opportunity. 🙏🏻

We had a clear vision for our event and to see this come to life and most importantly to receive such positive feedback yesterday and today shows we have successfully achieved what we set out to do.

Thank you to our outstanding team at Emerald Zebra | FinTech, Tech, Finance & Gaming Sector Recruitment Specialists | Jobs in Cyprus your simply the best
Katy Savvides Margarita Savva Marie Pavlou (MSc – ACyHRMA- ABNLP) Georgia Michaelides Sam Macaron and of course our forever inspiring and forward thinking CEO Donna Stephenson 🙌🏻

Finally the wonderful Parklane, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa for our wellness gifts and also to the amazing and truly professional Yolanda’s Chocolatiers for our table gifts, that are just divine and highly recommended for your team and corporate gifting 🎁

See you at our next PowerBreakfast Event👏

#welovewhatwedo #recruitment #HRevent #genderequality #hiring #talentaquisition 

#wellness #workplacewellbeing #mentalhealth #humansfirst

See you at our next PowerBreakfast Event👏 To stay upto date follow us on LinkedIn

From left to right Katy Savvides, Georgia Michaelides, Donna Stephenson, Terri Neofitou, Marie Pavlou (MSc - ACyHRMA- ABNLP), Margarita Savva, Sam Macaron
From left to right Katy Savvides, Georgia Michaelides, Donna Stephenson, Terri Neofitou, Marie Pavlou (MSc - ACyHRMA- ABNLP), Margarita Savva, Sam Macaron
Ms Josie Christodoulou, Donna Stephenson, Terri Neofitou
Terri Neofitou, Ms Josie Christodoulou, Commisioner for Gender Equality and Donna Stephenson
Donna Stephenson, Georgia Aristeidou, Marina Sevastidou, Evanthia Pegioti Cassapi, Spyros Andrea
Terri Neofitou, Elena Aristidou, Marta Bas, Eleni Aslani, Ekaterina Dolgova

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