Oh Hello 2024!

Emerald Zebra Recruitment Cyprus Jobs

January has traditionally been associated with resolutions, personally I’m not a fan, I do however love a good reset!

A new year is in my opinion a great time to reset your goals in all areas and is less generic and more specific/personal.

In particular regarding your career goals, it is a chance to reflect as well as rethink things.

To honestly review and ditch what’s not working and level up the game plan with some fresh ideas. It’s not just about changing things for the sake of it; it’s about fine-tuning dreams and skills, making them even cooler and doable.

This reset is all about what you’ve learned and creating a career path that feels more or even more fulfilling.

I see it as an opportunity to advance and chase after what genuinely excites you and yes what challenges you!

So, will you be using this time to reset small or big?

It certainly is a chance for setting fresh goals, identifying what you need to reach them and setting a game plan.

In regard to career opportunities I always encourage individuals to not wait and instead take the approach of ‘passively looking’ by reaching out to me with their CV and having a chat about their career goals whilst they are not necessarily actively looking or in need to move fast.

There is much benefit is being receptive to unexpected opportunities that, well could just open doors to thrilling adventures you might not have imagined!

So whatever area you want to reset in this January remember you are you and that is your superpower 💥 let’s go 2024!

If you’re open to levelling up your career contact me, let’s talk!

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